Top 8 Global Industrial Valve Manufacturers |
发布日期:2023-12-29 新闻来源: |
Top 8 Global Industrial Valve Manufacturers Accordingto a joint market research report, the global industrial valve market isexpected to grow from $585.479 billion in 2020 to $936.649 billion in 2028,with a compound annual growth rate of 6.0%. Today, let''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s take a look at the top8 industrial valve manufacturers worldwide in 2023.
02.FLOWSERVE (America)
Flowserve is a long-standingand continuously evolving company with a history dating back to 1790 in London,United Kingdom. With a legacy spanning over 200 years, it surpasses Emerson''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''shistory by a century. Today, Flowserve has become a publicly traded companywith an annual revenue exceeding $4 billion, boasting a workforce of over17,500 employees. Its operations extend to more than 50 countries/regions, withover 300 branches worldwide.
03. KSB(Germany)
04.KITZ (Japan)
Velan is an internationalvalve manufacturer headquartered in Canada, founded in 1950. It is one of the world''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''sleading industrial valve manufacturers, specializing in forged ball valves,forged gate valves, forged globe valves, forged check valves, and steam traps.Velan''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s valves primarily operate in critical industries, namely underhigh-pressure, high-temperature, or low-temperature conditions, holdingsignificant positions in sectors such as petroleum, natural gas, nuclearenergy, andothers. The acquisition agreement betweenFlowserve and Velan has been terminated. 文字外链:
Brayis an American manufacturer of industrial valves and control systems, foundedin 1986. It is one of the world''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s leading manufacturers of flow control andautomation products and accessories. Its primary products include actuators,ball valves, butterfly valves, check valves, knife gate valves, and otheraccessories. The majority of its products are used in industries such asalternative fuels, petrochemicals, food and beverage, general industry, marine,mining and metallurgy, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, powergeneration, pulp and paper, as well as water and wastewater treatment.
AVKwas founded in 1941, initially focusing on the production of compressors forrefrigeration and freezing equipment. The AVK Group is dedicated to three mainbusiness segments: AVK Water, AVK Industrial, and AVK Advanced Manufacturing.AVK Water primarily serves the water supply, gas supply, sewage treatment, andfirefighting industries, offering a wide range of valves, hydrants, and accessoryproducts. AVK Industrial, with companies like Orbinox, InterApp, and WouterWitzel, provides comprehensive valve solutions to customers in water treatment,power generation, oil and gas, marine, pulp and paper, mining, and chemicalindustries.
GEKOcontrol valves(文字外链: renowned for their precision, reliability, andinnovative design in fluid control systems. Crafted with cutting-edgetechnology and superior engineering, GEKO valves excel in providing accurateand efficient regulation of various fluids in industrial processes. Whetherit''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s optimizing flow rates, maintaining pressure, or ensuring precisetemperature control, GEKO control valves stand out for their exceptionalperformance. With a commitment to quality and a focus on meeting the mostdemanding industry requirements, GEKO continues to be a trusted choice forcritical applications precise fluid control is paramount. Elevate yourfluid handling systems with GEKO control valves and experience the epitome ofexcellence in control valve technology. |
The previous:NONE Next:Germany,UK, valve market |